mexican red kidney beans

mexican red kidney beans

When I traveled to Mexico during the summer of 2013, I wasn’t a big fan of Mexican food. I didn’t like avocado, hated anything spicy, ran away from jalapeños, and thought most dishes were way too oily. My thoughts have changed since then — I have learned 

apple crumble pie

apple crumble pie

My favorite part of fruit crumbles is the crumble itself — the golden, crunchy yet so-soft-that-it-melts-in-your-mouth kind of topping. So you can imagine my excitement when I try fruit crumbles that come with both a crust and a crumble on top! It’s just heaven, the perfect 

roasted chicken with artichokes and sun-dried tomatoes

roasted chicken with artichokes and sun-dried tomatoes

This chicken — I’ve been dying to share the recipe with you ever since I made it this weekend for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year celebrations. It is, by far, my favorite recipe for roasted chicken parts so far. It’s sweet yet savory, is full of 

roasted butternut squash and truffle oil mash

roasted butternut squash and truffle oil mash

Nobody is ever excited about summer coming to an end; especially when you live in Switzerland and you know that the days will quickly get shorter and much colder and that the weather will mainly be gray for the next five months. But if there’s 

bulgur pilaf with tomatoes and bell peppers

bulgur pilaf with tomatoes and bell peppers

How many of you have bulgur wheat in your pantry? If you don’t, I urge you to go buy some, as this grain is not only so versatile but also guarantees a great meal each time; well, as long as you have bunch of great recipes in 

blueberry crumble bars

blueberry crumble bars

Am I crazy, or are there some fruits that taste just SO much better cooked? That’s how I feel about apples, and most of all, blueberries. Think about berry crumbles or baked oatmeals with sweet and tart blueberry juices just oozing from the crust. Just the thought 

roasted and marinated eggplants with herbs

roasted and marinated eggplants with herbs

I haven’t given much love to eggplants on the blog yet, as it only contains one single recipe within its pages. I’ve recently developed a new passion for this gorgeous purple vegetable and have included it in my dishes in so many ways, ranging from salads 

coconut milk curry chicken with cashews

coconut milk curry chicken with cashews

At the end of July, I started a new “Best Of” series on the blog called Snapshots to share everything we’ve cooked, loved and tried during the past month. At the end of Snapshots from July 2015, I stated that one of my goals for the month of